The Intern

‘The Intern’ is Nick Petrie a 23-year-old graduate of the University of Birmingham. He is an ex Redbrick editor and has recently interned at various publications, including The New Statesman and previously at the Guardian and the Southwark News. He is now working on a variety of projects, including Hacks and is available for freelance work.

Nick has a keen interest and good understanding of social media and in the power of collaborative journalism – he is a strong supporter of an open, linked web where content is shared and discussed. He is determined to be involved in the re-birth of the journalism industry.

Unfortunately, unlike The Student, he has never had his worked verified by his mother, however with the help of the people directly involved in this project and many who are not he has won awards with Redbrick, including ‘Most Outstanding Society 2010.’

Nick is looking to pursue a portfolio career, based in journalism and as such is currently interning to build on existing skills and develop contacts within the industry.